Support to HeatEnergyCalculator components has been added

Today we extended DogOnt to include HeatEnergyCalculator devices. Modeling stems from the analysis of the Kamstrup Multical 602 device, we had to integrate in dog. We also performed some amendment to the hierarchy structure of the ontology to make it more easy to navigate and understand, especially for us humans.

Enjoy this last version of the model, and let us know if you spot any issues or require any integration!

The DogOnt development team.

Support to WMBus components has been added

Today we extended DogOnt to include Wireless M-Bus components and we added a new definition of simple thermostats with temperature measurement functionalities: the ThermostatTemperatureSensor.

Enjoy this last version of the model, and let us know if you spot any issues or require any integration!

The DogOnt development team.

DogOnt is on GitHub

After over 7 years from its first release, the DogOnt ontology is now available on GitHub, with a completely new documentation web-site. We are planning to complete the getting started, cookbok and user guide sections as soon as possible. In the mean while enjoy technology independent modeling supported by DogOnt!

If you wish to contribute, please join the community and start working on the next DogOnt versions!